Doctor Math Linear Algebra. Learning mathematics very effective. Learn Math
Doctor Math is really proud to introduce itsnext product, Linear Algebra 1.The concept is very simple. Doctor Mathis sure that learning mathematics becomesvery effective, if the students apply their lear-ned theory by solving as many practical pro-blems as possible.Doctor Math Linear Algebra 1 offers the stu-dents more than 130 practical problems. Allsolutions of problems and their detailed ex-planations are available as well. The pro-blems cover different fields of mathematicsenclosed in the syllabus of the first year al-gebra of most universities of the world. Thisapp includes the following main topics:- Vector analysis.- Matrices and determinants.- Systems of linear equations.- Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.- Basis and dimension.These 5 sections of Linear Algebra 1 aredivided into several subsections. Each sub-section contains 7 problems. The comple-xity of problems is increasing with the num-ber of the problem in every subsection. Thestudents have the possibility to solve theproblems themselves and compare the re-sults with the answers provided by DoctorMath. If difficulties occur during the solvingprocess or if the answers do not match, thenthe students can simply click the ”solution”button and see the complete solution withall necessary explanations. Moreover, Doc-tor Math includes a button called ”What ShouldI Know”. The page under this button con-tains a brief summary of definitions and theo-rems as well as formulas necessary for sol-ving the problems.Through the feedback button Doctor Mathis wishing to stay in everyday contact withall users. Any remark or question is welco-me.Here is the best part - Doctor Math LinearAlgebra 1 is completely free.To learn more about Doctor Math,